Fight, Flight, Freeze (p19)

Courtesy of World Surf League (WSL): Professional Australian surfer Mick Fanning had a huge scare as his board was attacked by a shar...

Footage of Mick Fanning being "bumped" by a shark while surfing for the world title at J Bay, South Africa, July 2015. The first 30 seconds of footage are a perfect example of Fight, Flight, Freeze in action. Mick goes through all three within that first 30 seconds. Thankfully he survives the encounter uninjured, making it a perfect example to illustrate a full blown fight, flight, freeze reaction doing exactly what it was designed to do under extreme circumstances.



Blind Filters (p40)

James Doty is a clinical professor of neurosurgery at Stanford University and founding director of the Centre for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education. He is the author of Into the Magic Shop: A Neurosurgeon's Quest to Discover the Mysteries of the Brain and the Secrets of the Heart. From 6 minutes into the interview he talks about attention being "elsewhere" up to 80% of the time. This interview is with Krista Tippett of "On Being". If you are into podcasts, there's some fascinating stuff in there

Clean Your Filters (p49)

Guerrilla Mindfulness begins with breathing. Part II of Dr Alan Watkins TED talk demonstrates in real time how effective breathing is at shutting down reactive states and setting up the conditions for clarity, presence and focus. The demonstration of rhythmic breathing and physiology starts 10 minutes into Part 2 

If you want more information on the physiology of everyday reactions the whole 40 minutes (Part 1 and Part 2) is worthwhile. 

Alan is the founder and CEO of Complete Coherence Ltd. He is recognised as an international expert on leadership and human performance. He has researched and published widely on both subjects for over 18 years.


Treat the Hotspots (p106)

Hot spots are early warning signs of friction. Dealing with them early is easier and more effective...

A short video I did a while ago about the parallels of hotspots and blisters to conflict, friction or tension in business relationships. At the end of the 4 minute clip, there's a few tips for dealing with things early and well.