A Leadership Fire

A fire needs 3 things to burn. They are all equally important. Take any one out and the fire stops. All forms of firefighting attack one or more of these critical ingredients.

Some examples - Water removes heat. A fire blanket removes air. A fire break removes fuel.

A fire left for long enough and it will exhaust one or all of the ingredients and go out. Picture a campfire. Unless you keep adding fuel, it just dies out.

When I work with leaders, we use a similar triangle. Three critical ingredients. None is more important than the others. Remove one (or more) and collapse of the team culture is inevitable.

A team like Jodi Cant’s, mentioned last week, actively strengthens all three elements. They work on them at a personal level, a team level and an organisational level. Like stoking the campfire, it doesn’t need ‘stoking’ for every minute of the day, but neglect it for too long and you may have to start again.

How are these essential ingredients looking in your team? Do any require some attention and effort? How are you actively addressing them?