Hidden Impact of Compliant Cultures

Recently, the fabulous Suzanne Waldron and I hosted a conversation about the downsides of compliance.

We asked if people had seen unanticipated negative consequences of compliance in cultures. 100% said yes!

Compliance is clearly important. In Australia we drive on the left and our roads are safe because we comply. If we didn’t there’d be unpredictable chaos where everyone was making it up as they went along.

Our conversation was not about flaunting rules or compliance, but rather about how we minimise the BLIND following that can go with it. Even in excellent systems, we need to be switched on, thinking and observant. We discussed many impacts on thinking, decision making, responsibility, creativity and strong cultures at home, in the community and at work.

The recording is here:

Suzanne and I are also delighted to invite you to a workshop on the topic. We’ll be looking practically and tactically at what we can do to build cultures of responsibility. Feel free to share this with anyone who would find the conversation useful - especially those who are directly responsible for team or workplace culture. Check it out here.