Multiplied by Apathy
/Apathy: a lack of passion, interest and concern.
We are built to Thrive and Adapt. Despite the fact that change is challenging, we are good at it. Our human desire to continuously improve our condition, leads us to think, solve problems and create. Creating more of something, making it better, or easier have been drivers of change throughout human history.
When we can see the vision for change and we have a sense of choice and control over it, it motivates and excites us. High quality change is actually one of the ultimate engagement strategies.
People need to feel a sense of progress with change. If it is taking too long, is unclear or is not generating something more, better or easier - then change is just wearing. Change fatigue sets in. Resistance too. Apathy soon follows.
Apathy replaces resistance. People eventually don’t care enough to resist. Fatigue is multiplied by Apathy.
The more Apathy there is, the harder it will be to make future changes. You will have to create enough momentum to overcome the inertia of built up an entrenched Apathy.
Here’s some questions that will help create engagement about change.
Why are we changing this? Get really clear about the why. Does it sound interesting and compelling. If not it’s unlikely that it will get anywhere. Would it get you out of bed in the morning? Can you explain it to others in a way that makes sense to them?
Will it create more, make life easier somehow, or be better than what we have now?
What are some quick “wins” that will give you and your people a sense of progress and control over the change?
When people are apathetic, they often get the blame. Blame is easy and takes the pressure and focus off the person doing the blaming. What if we asked ourselves,
“How can I make this situation more meaningful, engaging and important to and for the people involved?”
“How can I make this situation more meaningful, engaging and important to and for the people involved?”
Here’s to Change and the wonders we create!