Missing the Bigger Picture


I was missing something.

Despite substantial financial incentives no one wanted my business. I was in Kuching, East Malaysia where boat divers normally jump at any opportunity to transport you and your goods across the river. There's usually lively competition for a fare. Today, everyone was moving me further along, preferring to give the job to someone else.

Money wasn't the factor. I was asking to hire a boat and driver for the day to explore the river upstream of Kuching. I love exploring 'off the beaten track' and this would have been a great way to do it. Despite the promise of a lucrative fare no one wanted the job. I was missing something.

After asking 50 plus drivers I changed the question. I asked a wise old boatman, "No one wants to take me up the river, there must be a reason, do you know what it is?"

He gave me a big toothy smile and answered in one word "Crocodiles".


He pointed me to the museum where there is a massive croc skull. Above the skull on display were a ball of human hair and a silver pocket watch recovered from the stomach that went with the skull. Person eating crocs was the bigger picture I never would have discovered without asking a different question.

What situations are frustrating you right now? Could you ask a better question?