
Uncertainty – for sure it's a thing, but it's getting a bit tiring, don't you think?

They say it's time to move on when everyone is talking about something else. Around 2002, deep thinkers dragged VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous) out of military vernacular and rightly used it to describe the world. In 2019/20/21 COVID gave us a worldwide masterclass in how accurately it describes our current reality. But awareness is only step one. Smart leaders have or are turning their attention to what they can do about it. It won't go away anytime soon.

What can you control or influence in your organisation and teams? The only certainty that counts is the certainty that you can create. Certainty that will withstand whatever the Uncertain environment throws your way. Certainty that is created, owned, and built internally – first in you as a leader, and then in your team/s.

My latest book '(Un)shakeable: More Than Resilience' has a road map to do that. Here's an extract.

If you'd like a discussion about applying the tools and tactics in your business, let me know – I’d be happy to share a real or virtual coffee with you.