Isolation - What Does it Mean at Work? (Part 2)
/We definitely want to make connection and inclusion a core attribute of the places we work - see my earlier article on that topic.
However there is a balance. Most, if not all of us benefit from isolation from time to time for many reasons. In our efforts to facilitate connection and inclusion, we also need to be aware of ensuring there is space for people. How much space is different for different people and at different times. Space is useful when:
We need dedicated thinking or production time.
We need to rest and recharge.
We are digesting or synthesising large amounts of information.
We are checking the quality of something.
We are overwhelmed.
We are an introvert needing to recharge.
We are neurodivergent and need space to process people, situations or experiences.
We are solving problems.
We are deciding strategy.
We are dealing with trauma.
And lots of other reasons…
And sometimes in the situations above, it may be connection we need. Thinking and talking about the quality of our connections, inclusion, and the space we give each other at work helps build a high performing, psychologically safe environment.