Gratitude for Strong Women

Some of my male ancestors are recorded in history as explorers. They took part in official and recorded voyages of science and discovery. I reckon I get some of my adventurous spirit from them… And from my Grandmothers, too. While the men of their era had opportunities to officially explore, both my grandmothers had massively adventurous spirits. They would regularly head off unannounced to explore and discover, especially in their later years when they had less social expectations to run a household, raise children, cover domestic tasks and often additional work on farms or in offices in between. 

Both encouraged me to discover and explore in physical terrain and in ideas. While neither said it outright, there was a sense of not wanting me to waste any moment available to look over the next hill. In different times, without the bias of expected gender based roles, I can imagine both of them heading up a major adventure with discovery as its theme. It would have been beautiful to see. 

On International Women’s Day I acknowledge the adventurous spirit of my Grandmothers and what it has given me as a human on this amazing planet.