I was taught this Pre Take off checklist by an old flying mentor who had been a commercial pilot, flying everything from Tiger Moths to large commercial jets. He used it on the 50+ types of aircraft he had flown in his career. 

H - Hatches and harnesses secure

T - Trim set for take off, Throttle friction set

M - Mixture full rich, Mags on Both

P - Propeller pitch full fine

F - Fuel, sufficient quantity and fuel tap and pump on

F - Flaps set for take off

I - Instruments, reading correctly, temperatures and pressures ‘in the green’

C - Controls, full and free movement and working correctly.

It’s easy to remember and work through. Every one of the items needs to be checked every time. Neglecting a single one could result in a failed takeoff or crash. Trying to remember them without the checklist results in a justified fear that you might have missed something. The checklist dramatically reduces mental workload in the cockpit before take off.

By contrast there’s an engine failure brief pilots give themself just before they start the takeoff. Engine failures are dynamic and require lots of judgement (Check out QF 32 or Miracle on the Hudson if you want insight into this). You can't build a checklist for that. The brief reminds you of the critical decisions needed if the engine stops and speeds your response in the unlikely event it happens.

Checklists create mental Capacity to deal with more dynamic events.