Ineffective Concern

What are you concerned about? There are probably a few things that it is wise to keep an eye on and plan for. That’s not the same as worrying or fretting about them. As with many aspects of life, it’s simple, but not necessarily easy.

I try to limit concern to factors that will have a direct impact on me, and that I have little control over. With today's Reserve Bank announcement further raising the interest rate in Australia, this is definitely a legitimate concern for many of us. We can’t directly change the interest rate, but we can pre-consider its implications and our potential actions. It’s prudent to keep an eye on it, because it will have an effect.

Ineffective concern would be worrying, ruminating , or losing sleep over it. Ineffective concern would also be ignoring it.

The best tactic to reduce worry is to run some realistic scenarios as a mental exercise. Consider their impact on you. Scenario planning is not about predicting the future. It’s about seeing alternative courses of action.

Are there any current elements in your environment you are ignoring but should be paying some attention to?

Are there any that you are burning time and energy worrying about instead of exploring options and potential actions?

Get after those… It can be scary to take the lid off the box, but it’s liberating to have a clear picture of implications, then face them square on.