Don’t Panic - Surviving COVID19, Decision Making with Jason Clarke

Jason Clarke’s session on decision-making was informative and tactical. Lots of practical advice for making tough decisions. Click below to watch the recording. 

The tools Jason covered can be found here, along with many other tools for thinking.

If you would like to contact Jason his email is

Previous sessions can be found here.

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Next week, I'll be talking to Stephen Young who is a 40-year veteran of local and international crisis management. His company Turning Point Crisis Management works with leaders to build organisational resilience and responsiveness. Stephen and I have presented together and independently on crisis management courses for Fire Services, Biosecurity, Police Counter Terrorism, Oil Spill Response Teams (local, federal and global).

In a crisis, there are 5 key leadership tasks:

  1. Sensemaking,

  2. Decision-making & coordination,

  3. Meaning making,

  4. Accounting for the response, and

  5. Learning for improvement/future prevention.

We'll discuss the first 3; how can we make sense of this Coronavirus situation, what decisions must we make and how will we make these, and finally how will we make meaning of this crisis to all of our stakeholders. Crisis leaders get harshly judged when they passively stand by and wait for the situation to unfold. How can you ensure you are proactive enough without being foolhardy?

More about Stephen here.

I look forward to seeing you on the call.

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Contact Mike to discuss organisation wide Well-being and Resilience programs that create Unshakeable teams:

+61 423 193 196