Mental Health, Stress and Mindset with Mark Butler

This week’s conversation was with Mark Butler, specialist in workplace mental health. We discussed returning to work after lock down, practical things leaders and organisations can do to address the roughly 30% of people who will return to work with significant mental health distress. If you’d like to contact Mark for more information visit his website or email him directly at:

And to watch our earlier sessions, you may check on the playlist here.

Here's our line-up for the coming weeks: 

June 10 

Grant "Axe" Rawlinson - A Kiwi based in Singapore and an adventurer that makes the stuff I have done look mild. He played international rugby and has over 50 expeditions across the globe under his belt including walking across countries, cycling across continents, climbing Mt Everest and crossing sea's completely by human-power. We'll talk decision-making, goals in uncertainty, mindset when all seems lost.

June 17

Shaun Nannup - Human being and Aboriginal Elder. Shaun connects people with powerful stories of belonging. Aboriginal people have culture dating back at least 60 000 years in Australia. Shaun and I will discuss connection, sustainability, and what's important when you are focussed on legacy beyond your lifetime.

June 24

Bonnie Davies - Founder, CEO and Creative Director for Gelo. Bonnie is all about “Unboring things”. Bonnie is constantly rewriting the playbook for creative, performance based businesses. She also creates and becomes Famous Sharron. We'll talk innovation, doing things differently, refusing to quit and ask why so much stuff is boring.

Come and Join us 2:00 PM Perth time on Wednesdays.

More from Mike

Subscribe to Mike’s weekly Unshakeable Newsletter here.

Join the weekly Don’t Panic - Surviving COVID19 webcast here.

Download a 1-page resource on the power of gratitude in Unshakeable teams here.

Buy a copy of Mike’s book “Thrive and Adapt” here, or sign in for a complimentary PDF copy

Contact Mike to discuss organisation wide Well-being and Resilience programs that create Unshakeable teams:

+61 423 193 196

More than Words with Rachel Callander

This week we were joined by the amazing Rachel Callander wherein she went through some questions we can ask ourselves, our community, or our team to help us navigate communications as we head back to reconnecting and rebuilding relationships.

If you wish to contact Rachel or receive a copy of her workbook or tools around communication, you may visit her website at:

And to watch our earlier sessions, you may check on the playlist here.

We have a fantastic line up of guests for the Wednesday webcast in June: 

June 3

Mark Butler - Mental health, Stress and Mindset. Mark has researched mental health in workplaces extensively in a 25-year career globally. We'll explore the line between personal and collective responsibility for robust mental health and resilience. 

June 10 

Grant "Axe" Rawlinson - A Kiwi based in Singapore and an adventurer that makes the stuff I have done look mild. He played international rugby and has over 50 expeditions across the globe under his belt including walking across countries, cycling across continents, climbing Mt Everest and crossing sea's completely by human-power. We'll talk decision-making, goals in uncertainty, mindset when all seems lost.

June 17

Shaun Nannup - Human being and Aboriginal Elder. Shaun connects people with powerful stories of belonging. Aboriginal people have culture dating back at least 60 000 years in Australia. Shaun and I will discuss connection, sustainability, and what's important when you are focussed on legacy beyond your lifetime.

June 24

Bonnie Davies - Founder, CEO and Creative Director for Gelo. Bonnie is all about “Unboring things”. Bonnie is constantly rewriting the playbook for creative, performance based businesses. She also creates and becomes Famous Sharron. We'll talk innovation, doing things differently, refusing to quit and ask why so much stuff is boring.

Come and Join us 2:00 PM Perth time on Wednesdays.

More from Mike

Subscribe to Mike’s weekly Unshakeable Newsletter here.

Join the weekly Don’t Panic - Surviving COVID19 webcast here.

Download a 1-page resource on the power of gratitude in Unshakeable teams here.

Buy a copy of Mike’s book “Thrive and Adapt” here, or sign in for a complimentary PDF copy

Contact Mike to discuss organisation wide Well-being and Resilience programs that create Unshakeable teams:

+61 423 193 196

Human and Social Impacts with Suzanne Waldron

I had a wonderfully warm and generative conversation with  Suzanne Waldron. We discussed so many things including economics, contentment, striving and production, change, art, spirituality and more. There are sure to be some gems for you in there - enjoy!

To watch our earlier webcasts, you may click on the playlist here.

Next week…

More than Talk with Rachel Callander, Global speaker, Author and master communicator. Connection is key to humanity. Connecting/reconnecting with people, reversing isolation, communication with artful care.

More from Mike

Subscribe to Mike’s weekly Unshakeable Newsletter here.

Join the weekly Don’t Panic - Surviving COVID19 webcast here.

Download a 1-page resource on the power of gratitude in Unshakeable teams here.

Buy a copy of Mike’s book “Thrive and Adapt” here, or sign in for a complimentary PDF copy

Contact Mike to discuss organisation wide Well-being and Resilience programs that create Unshakeable teams:

+61 423 193 196

Forecasting for Real with Michael Ford

Forecast is never about predicting, it's about preparing.

This week, Michael Ford joined us to talk about 'how a robust forecasting process is essential as we design pathways through and out of COVID'. 

The discussion touched on:

  • Forecasting

  • Growth

  • Budgeting

  • Recovery

To watch the webcast, click on the link below:

If you have questions for Michael, visit Castaway, or contact him through Linkedin here.

To watch our earlier sessions, you may click on the playlist here.

Here's again our guests in the next couple of weeks:

20 May - People Impacts with Suzanne Waldron, Human behaviour specialist and TEDex Curator. COVID19 impacted many and will for some time. Many people also made an impact during this time. A lively exploration of globally important issues and thinking. 

27 May - More than Talk with Rachel Callander, Global speaker, Author and master communicator. Connection is key to humanity. Connecting/reconnecting with people, reversing isolation, communication with artful care.

See you in our next session!

More from Mike

Subscribe to Mike’s weekly Unshakeable Newsletter here.

Join the weekly Don’t Panic - Surviving COVID19 webcast here.

Download a 1-page resource on the power of gratitude in Unshakeable teams here.

Buy a copy of Mike’s book “Thrive and Adapt” here, or sign in for a complimentary PDF copy

Contact Mike to discuss organisation wide Well-being and Resilience programs that create Unshakeable teams:

+61 423 193 196

Don’t Panic - Surviving COVID19, Threats, Opportunities and COVIDSafe App with Brian Smith

This week, Brian Smith, Founder and CEO of QuadIQ, shared what security threats, and opportunities we may need to navigate through post restriction world, and his thoughts in using the COVIDSafe App.

To watch the webcast, click on the link below:

If you have questions for Brian or if you wish to know how QuadIQ can help, you may contact him through:

To watch our earlier sessions, you may click on the playlist here.

Here's again our line-up for May as we switch our focus to recovery and evolving:

13 May - Forecasting for Real with Michael Ford, Founder and CEO of Castaway Forecasting, an Aussie business going global. Meaningful forecasting? Wishful thinking, doomsday or warm figures plucked from the air. We’ll get real about forecasting that makes a difference.

20 May - People Impacts with Suzanne Waldron, Human behaviour specialist and TEDex Curator. COVID19 impacted many and will for some time. Many people also made an impact during this time. A lively exploration of globally important issues and thinking. 

27 May - More than Talk with Rachel Callander, Global speaker, Author and master communicator. Connection is key to humanity. Connecting/reconnecting with people, reversing isolation, communication with artful care.

See you in our next session!

More from Mike

Subscribe to Mike’s weekly Unshakeable Newsletter here.

Join the weekly Don’t Panic - Surviving COVID19 webcast here.

Download a 1-page resource on the power of gratitude in Unshakeable teams here.

Buy a copy of Mike’s book “Thrive and Adapt” here, or sign in for a complimentary PDF copy

Contact Mike to discuss organisation wide Well-being and Resilience programs that create Unshakeable teams:

+61 423 193 196

Don’t Panic - Surviving COVID19, Principles and Pillars of Recovery with Steven Young

This week, Mike interviewed Stephen Young, expert in crisis response about recovery from a crisis. Steve led the response/recovery team for Cyclone Larry in Queensland, 2006. At the time it was the largest natural disaster response in Australian history - Steve and his team significantly contributed to current crisis response and recovery methodology.

"Whilst we may well be ready to recover, personally, or as an organisation or small business, those around you may not be ready to recover...

Recovery solutions are typically complicated because they are multi-faceted. Everybody recovers at different speeds."

To watch the full video, you may click on the video link below:

 You may access and share Steve's the 5 Key Crisis Leadership Task here.

To learn more and connect with Steve, you may visit his website at:

And watch the rest of the webcast series here.

As mentioned in this session this week, reflection is an important piece to our recovery, so we are pressing pause next week... no new content or guests.

We would instead take the time to touch base with the people present in the call; tackle questions that may have arisen from what we have discussed over the last few weeks; and to know what you would like to hear in the coming weeks.


More from Mike

Subscribe to Mike’s weekly Unshakeable Newsletter here.

Join the weekly Don’t Panic - Surviving COVID19 webcast here.

Download a 1-page resource on the power of gratitude in Unshakeable teams here.

Buy a copy of Mike’s book “Thrive and Adapt” here, or sign in for a complimentary PDF copy

Contact Mike to discuss organisation wide Well-being and Resilience programs that create Unshakeable teams:

+61 423 193 196

Don’t Panic - Surviving COVID19, Showing Up is Half the Battle with Pip Loader

It was a great session with Pip Loader this week, with this quote to sum it all up:

"Your Life is a series of Balloon rides"


To watch the full video, you may click on the video below:

You may download and share the Show Up Worksheet here.

To learn more and connect with Pip, you may visit her website at:

And watch the rest of the webcast series here.

As we saw a couple of weeks ago, a leader during a crisis such as Covid-19 crisis ideally fulfills 5 Key Leadership Tasks, these are Sense-making, Decision-making & Coordination, Meaning-making, Accounting & Termination, and finally Learning. During next week’s session, we will have Stephen Young back to discuss the challenges we will face planning for recovery from this unprecedented global crisis. History shows that those that plan their recovery well and that learn from a crisis will not only bounce back, but more importantly they’ll bounce forward.  

Better practice recovery demands that the crisis leader develops an in depth understanding of the context, the complexities, the coordination and communication requirements that recovery will require.

Stephen will discuss the principles and pillars of recovery and respond to key questions about what you can do within your own organisations to recover from and bounce forward out of this crisis.

More from Mike

Subscribe to Mike’s weekly Unshakeable Newsletter here.

Join the weekly Don’t Panic - Surviving COVID19 webcast here.

Download a 1-page resource on the power of gratitude in Unshakeable teams here.

Buy a copy of Mike’s book “Thrive and Adapt” here, or sign in for a complimentary PDF copy

Contact Mike to discuss organisation wide Well-being and Resilience programs that create Unshakeable teams:

+61 423 193 196

Don’t Panic - Surviving COVID19, Leading in a Crisis with Stephen Young

Stephen shared with us three of the 5 Key Leadership Tasks:

  1. Sense making

  2. Decision-making & coordination

  3. Meaning making

Here is the handout to Stephen's discussion.

To learn more and connect with Stephen, you may visit his website at:​​​​​​​.

You may also listen and share last week's video below:

Click on the complete playlist for Don’t Panic - Surviving COVID19 here.

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Watch out for this week's video with Pip Loader on the topic SHOWING UP IS HALF THE BATTLE!

How are you showing up right now? Are you bringing your best self to the table? Or are there cracks appearing in your ‘diplomacy dike’?

Whether you are leading or working in a team, are a parent with kids now home 24/7, or you are simply wanting to focus your time and energy where it is needed the most right now, this session will provide a practical framework to help you work through how to show up as the best version of you, for yourself and others, as we navigate this current journey. 

Pip Loader works in Leadership & Team development, helping people connect, create and deliver impact in their day-to-day work and lives.  This session is part of based on a section of her ‘Meaningful Leadership’ coaching program (and slightly adapted for current times!)  Pip is a firm believer that ‘Everything we do, starts and ends, with people’.

More from Mike

Subscribe to Mike’s weekly Unshakeable Newsletter here.

Join the weekly Don’t Panic - Surviving COVID19 webcast here.

Download a 1-page resource on the power of gratitude in Unshakeable teams here.

Buy a copy of Mike’s book “Thrive and Adapt” here, or sign in for a complimentary PDF copy

Contact Mike to discuss organisation wide Well-being and Resilience programs that create Unshakeable teams:

+61 423 193 196

Don’t Panic - Surviving COVID19, Decision Making with Jason Clarke

Jason Clarke’s session on decision-making was informative and tactical. Lots of practical advice for making tough decisions. Click below to watch the recording. 

The tools Jason covered can be found here, along with many other tools for thinking.

If you would like to contact Jason his email is

Previous sessions can be found here.

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Next week, I'll be talking to Stephen Young who is a 40-year veteran of local and international crisis management. His company Turning Point Crisis Management works with leaders to build organisational resilience and responsiveness. Stephen and I have presented together and independently on crisis management courses for Fire Services, Biosecurity, Police Counter Terrorism, Oil Spill Response Teams (local, federal and global).

In a crisis, there are 5 key leadership tasks:

  1. Sensemaking,

  2. Decision-making & coordination,

  3. Meaning making,

  4. Accounting for the response, and

  5. Learning for improvement/future prevention.

We'll discuss the first 3; how can we make sense of this Coronavirus situation, what decisions must we make and how will we make these, and finally how will we make meaning of this crisis to all of our stakeholders. Crisis leaders get harshly judged when they passively stand by and wait for the situation to unfold. How can you ensure you are proactive enough without being foolhardy?

More about Stephen here.

I look forward to seeing you on the call.

More from Mike

Subscribe to Mike’s weekly Unshakeable Newsletter here.

Join the weekly Don’t Panic - Surviving COVID19 webcast here.

Download a 1-page resource on the power of gratitude in Unshakeable teams here.

Buy a copy of Mike’s book “Thrive and Adapt” here, or sign in for a complimentary PDF copy

Contact Mike to discuss organisation wide Well-being and Resilience programs that create Unshakeable teams:

+61 423 193 196

Don’t Panic - Surviving COVID19 with Dr. Jenny Brockis

This week, Dr Jenny Brockis and I discussed the difference between COVID 19 and regular flu, how to keep yourself mentally and physically well in social distancing, and tactics for finding the upside in unprecedented times.

If you wish to learn more from Dr. Jenny Brockis and find out how she can be of support, you may contact her at:

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Next week, April 1st, we will be joined by Jason Clarke.

Jason Clarke - Mindworker, celebrated author, adventurer, gold medal Olympian and popular TV chef; Jason is none of these things. He is, however, one of the most sought-after creative minds in the country. As founder of Minds at Work, he’s helped people ‘think again’ since the end of the last century, working with clients across Australia in virtually every industry and government sector on issues ranging from creativity and trouble shooting to culture change and leadership.

Jason and I will be discussing HOW TO MAKE DECISIONS YOU PROBABLY WON’T REGRET. The only real measure of a decision being ‘good or ‘bad’ is how happily you could live with its consequences, which means that thinking through those possibilities in advance is better than discovering them once the decision’s been made. Learn simple back-of-the-envelope techniques for anticipating the mistakes you’re about to make.

If you have any questions that you would like us to discuss/answer during the webcast, you may post them here. Jason and I will aim to answer all your questions.

See you next week!

More from Mike

Subscribe to Mike’s weekly Unshakeable Newsletter here.

Join the weekly Don’t Panic - Surviving COVID19 webcast here.

Download a 1-page resource on the power of gratitude in Unshakeable teams here.

Buy a copy of Mike’s book “Thrive and Adapt” here, or sign in for a complimentary PDF copy

Contact Mike to discuss organisation wide Well-being and Resilience programs that create Unshakeable teams:

+61 423 193 196



Toilet paper madness still reigns supreme in Australia. It is simultaneously funny and tragic. Last week I wrote about the madness in Dunny Paper, Dentists and Disease.

On a more serious note, there are lessons for leaders in the apparent about face of Aussies.

Only months ago, Australia was in the global news spotlight for very different reasons. The country was burning. Facing that wide spread tragedy, Australians showed the very best of our culture to each other and the world. We stood shoulder to shoulder and faced the flames. Countless hours and millions of dollars of tangible support flowed. It was backed up by even more emotional support. While much was lost, the fires were a reminder of the power of people aligned to a common cause. We were shocked and grieving and we were Unshakeable.

Coronavirus has revealed a different face. We are skittish and reactive. We are more likely to turn on each other to ensure our own interests, including resorting to violence. Our blindspots and biases cloud our vision, resulting in boycotts of local Chinese business and hoarding of paper (Neither of which make the slightest difference to the virus). Many of us are expressing sorrow and shock at what we are seeing here. How can it be that a culture can turn so quickly? 

There are some key differences between the challenges faced, leading to very different responses. I outline a few below with recommendations for leaders in any uncertain environment.

So while media and social media coverage have an impact, we are also facing dramatically different circumstances. Both the fires and COVID19 are disruptive and threatening, but they show up in very different ways. 

What are you doing as a leader (whether you lead yourself, your family, a small team, an organisation, or a country) to make COVID19 tangible?

What is within your control, and how are you rallying focus and energy around that? 

In the absence of answers, we will continue to see people reactivity acting in their own interests, potentially to the detriment of much that we hold dear.

Let’s be Unshakeable and hold the line.

More from Mike

Subscribe to Mike’s weekly Unshakeable Newsletter here.
Download a 1-page resource on the power of gratitude in Unshakeable teams here.
Buy a copy of Mike’s book “Thrive and Adapt” here, or sign in for a complimentary PDF copy

Contact Mike to discuss organisation wide Well-being and Resilience programs that create Unshakeable teams:

+61 423 193 196