Don’t Panic - Surviving COVID19, Showing Up is Half the Battle with Pip Loader

It was a great session with Pip Loader this week, with this quote to sum it all up:

"Your Life is a series of Balloon rides"


To watch the full video, you may click on the video below:

You may download and share the Show Up Worksheet here.

To learn more and connect with Pip, you may visit her website at:

And watch the rest of the webcast series here.

As we saw a couple of weeks ago, a leader during a crisis such as Covid-19 crisis ideally fulfills 5 Key Leadership Tasks, these are Sense-making, Decision-making & Coordination, Meaning-making, Accounting & Termination, and finally Learning. During next week’s session, we will have Stephen Young back to discuss the challenges we will face planning for recovery from this unprecedented global crisis. History shows that those that plan their recovery well and that learn from a crisis will not only bounce back, but more importantly they’ll bounce forward.  

Better practice recovery demands that the crisis leader develops an in depth understanding of the context, the complexities, the coordination and communication requirements that recovery will require.

Stephen will discuss the principles and pillars of recovery and respond to key questions about what you can do within your own organisations to recover from and bounce forward out of this crisis.

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Contact Mike to discuss organisation wide Well-being and Resilience programs that create Unshakeable teams:

+61 423 193 196