Don’t Panic - Surviving COVID19, Threats, Opportunities and COVIDSafe App with Brian Smith

This week, Brian Smith, Founder and CEO of QuadIQ, shared what security threats, and opportunities we may need to navigate through post restriction world, and his thoughts in using the COVIDSafe App.

To watch the webcast, click on the link below:

If you have questions for Brian or if you wish to know how QuadIQ can help, you may contact him through:

To watch our earlier sessions, you may click on the playlist here.

Here's again our line-up for May as we switch our focus to recovery and evolving:

13 May - Forecasting for Real with Michael Ford, Founder and CEO of Castaway Forecasting, an Aussie business going global. Meaningful forecasting? Wishful thinking, doomsday or warm figures plucked from the air. We’ll get real about forecasting that makes a difference.

20 May - People Impacts with Suzanne Waldron, Human behaviour specialist and TEDex Curator. COVID19 impacted many and will for some time. Many people also made an impact during this time. A lively exploration of globally important issues and thinking. 

27 May - More than Talk with Rachel Callander, Global speaker, Author and master communicator. Connection is key to humanity. Connecting/reconnecting with people, reversing isolation, communication with artful care.

See you in our next session!

More from Mike

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Join the weekly Don’t Panic - Surviving COVID19 webcast here.

Download a 1-page resource on the power of gratitude in Unshakeable teams here.

Buy a copy of Mike’s book “Thrive and Adapt” here, or sign in for a complimentary PDF copy

Contact Mike to discuss organisation wide Well-being and Resilience programs that create Unshakeable teams:

+61 423 193 196