Don’t Panic - Surviving COVID19, Leading in a Crisis with Stephen Young

Stephen shared with us three of the 5 Key Leadership Tasks:

  1. Sense making

  2. Decision-making & coordination

  3. Meaning making

Here is the handout to Stephen's discussion.

To learn more and connect with Stephen, you may visit his website at:​​​​​​​.

You may also listen and share last week's video below:

Click on the complete playlist for Don’t Panic - Surviving COVID19 here.

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Watch out for this week's video with Pip Loader on the topic SHOWING UP IS HALF THE BATTLE!

How are you showing up right now? Are you bringing your best self to the table? Or are there cracks appearing in your ‘diplomacy dike’?

Whether you are leading or working in a team, are a parent with kids now home 24/7, or you are simply wanting to focus your time and energy where it is needed the most right now, this session will provide a practical framework to help you work through how to show up as the best version of you, for yourself and others, as we navigate this current journey. 

Pip Loader works in Leadership & Team development, helping people connect, create and deliver impact in their day-to-day work and lives.  This session is part of based on a section of her ‘Meaningful Leadership’ coaching program (and slightly adapted for current times!)  Pip is a firm believer that ‘Everything we do, starts and ends, with people’.

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Join the weekly Don’t Panic - Surviving COVID19 webcast here.

Download a 1-page resource on the power of gratitude in Unshakeable teams here.

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Contact Mike to discuss organisation wide Well-being and Resilience programs that create Unshakeable teams:

+61 423 193 196